Friday, May 2, 2014

Research Blog Post #10: Final Abstract, Bibliography, and Link To Your Paper


Higher education is something that many people today say is essential in being successful this day and age. Over the years, accessibility to higher education has improved greatly but once group of people tare still struggling in light of these great strides - first-generation students. Poverty, absence of parental figures, and many other factors largely out of their control impede them from going to college or succeeding if they do make it there. In this paper, these factors are categorized and examined in order to pin-point how these problem areas come about and what can potentially be done to remedy them.


Engle, Jennifer, and Vincent Tinto. Moving Beyond Access: College Success for Low-Income, First-Generation Students. St. Paul, Minnesota: 3M, 2008. 1-38. eBook.

Rosanna A. Reyes. Proving Them Wrong. MA/MS Thesis. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2012. 

Schwartz, Seth;  Weisskirch, Robert S.; Zamboanga, Byron L.; Castillo, Linda G.; Ham, Lindsay S.; Huynh, Que-Lam; Park, Irene J. K.; Donovan, Roxanne; Kim, Su Yeong; Vernon, Michael; Davis, Matthew J.; Cano, Miguel A. "Dimensions of Acculturation: Associations With Health Risk Behaviors Among College Students From Immigrant Families."Journal of Counseling Psychology. 58.1 (2011): 27-41. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. 

Wohn, Donghee Yvette, Nicole B. Ellison, M. Laeeq Khan, Ryan Fewins-Bliss, and Rebecca Gray. "The role of social media in shaping first-generation high school students’ college aspirations: A social capital lens." Computers and Education 63 (): 424-436. Print.

Woosley, Sherry, and Dustin Shepler. "UNDERSTANDING THE EARLY INTEGRATION EXPERIENCES OF FIRST-GENERATION COLLEGE STUDENTS." College Student Journal 45 (): 700-714. Print.

Paper Link

Literature Review Blog #5



Rosanna A. Reyes. Proving Them Wrong. MA/MS Thesis. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2012. 


This dissertation follows the stories of 5 first generation Latino women who despite the disadvantages they faced, were able to succeed in college. It outlines in each case what factors may have contributed to their individual successes.


Rosanna A. Reyes - Associate Dean and Dean of First Generation Initiatives at Williams College.

Key Terms


"Risk factors are the issues for which the participants have no control over much like the environment (i.e. inferior schools, culture of violence and or lack of parental involvement)."(Reyes 21)

"Also, the teachers [in Peru] cared more about your grades and they knew you on like a personal basis. So if they knew if you were doing badly, they would call your house right away. Whereas here, your grade is this and your parents are coming to pick up your report card this that, and that’s when they are going to find out."(Reyes 70)

"While in college I have had many emotional breakdowns. I’ve felt the pressure of being an adult and having no help or directions but I’m so proud of myself because I’ve worked so hard for what I have."(Reyes 92)

"Samantha spoke about education not being an option but an obligation in her home."(Reyes 133)


This dissertation provides insight into the lives of first-generation students who actually defy the odds and succeed in college. By observing the journeys of these students, you can see what common factors helped them along their journey. This information can be used to help many other first generation students.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Research Blog #9: Your Argument and Counter-Argument

My general argument is that first generation college students have many disadvantages when it relates to post-secondary education. Whether it be in the application process, to navigating the collegiate landscape, they are weighed down by a variety of factors. One of these disparities is the value of the social capital that they have access to. In fact, one of these categories of social capital, extended network in terms of social networking and the like, can potentially hurt these students in some cases. However, in the article The Role of Social Media in Shaping First-Generation High School Students' College Aspirations: A Social Capital Lens, it is viewed as an invaluable resource for first-generation students when it comes to electing and applying to colleges. Although it may be helpful in this aspect, I believe that it has the potential to also hurt them as they move on.
For most first generation college students, the culture that is instilled in them by their parents or the places they themselves are from tend to be different from what is seen on college. As a result, they have to work harder to adapt and be accepted into this new culture they do not know too much about. One of the few examples they have of the college culture is from what they observe on social networking sites which often times are filled with pictures of weekend escapades and partying. So, in order to fit in, they might emulate what they see and because it is something new to them, they might not know exactly how to handle it.  This issue of adapting is touched upon in the article "Dimensions of Acculturation: Associations With Health Risk Behaviors Among College Students From Immigrant Families". The issues faced by these students are almost identical to the issues faced by first generation students. "The immigrant paradox (in which more acculturated young immigrants and children of immigrants are more likely to take risks compared with their less acculturated counterparts) can be explained in terms of losing the protective effects that accompany heritage practices and values."(11) In trying to be accepted, some of their values and aspects of their culture are sometimes compromised. If not careful, accessing this form of social capital can impede their progress as a college student.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Research Blog #6: Visual

In this picture, you see a man dressed up ready to go somewhere or do something but doesn't know where or how to begin. This applies to the situation of many first generation students. For those who choose to go to college, they often go in hopes of obtaining a degree to get a job that would put them in a better position than them or their parents. Unfortunately, guidance in this period of many of their lives is usually limited due to lack of information directly available to them or lack of knowledge where information that can be available to them can be found. This leads to a period of trial and error that many do not make it out of.

Literature Review #4



Woosley, Sherry, and Dustin Shepler. "UNDERSTANDING THE EARLY INTEGRATION EXPERIENCES OF FIRST-GENERATION COLLEGE STUDENTS." College Student Journal 45 (): 700-714. Print.


This study looks at the earliest experiences first generation college students have upon entering college in comparison to the experience of a regular college student.


Sherry Woosley - Director of Analytics and Research at EBI-MAP Works. She is also nationally recognized for her work in assessment and predictive analytics related to student retention

Dr. Dustin Shepler - professor at Michigan School of Professional Psychology. He also provides therapeutic services as well. While he specializes in working with teenagers and young adults, Dr. Shepler has provided therapy and assessment services to a wide range of clients from a variety of backgrounds and currently sees clients in private practice.

Key Terms

Attrition - the action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure.


"Even the earliest experiences, those six weeks into the first semester or earlier, have been linked with persistence, academic performance, and likelihood of graduation (Levitz & Noel, 1989; Woosley, 2003; Woosley & Miller 2009)."(706)

"...first-generation students typically do not have the same sources of support as non-first-generation students, such as parents who understand the process of adjusting to college life (Bradbury & Mather, 2009; Terenzini et al., 1996), limited availability of college role models (York-Anderson & Bowman, 1991), and limited experience with and knowledge of college activities (York-Anderson & Bowman, 1991)."(707)

"...first-generation students find their high school curriculum was less than rigorous and that the academic expectations inherent in baccalaureate programs can be somewhat overwhelming, resulting in self-doubt."(708)


This study provides me with insight into the very first moments when a first generation student steps on campus. It is here we see the most immediate effects of pre-college preparation or lack thereof. It is also one of the areas in which normal college students and first generation college students differ - which is ease of integration into the college culture. Using this information, I can observe the main reasons for this initial culture shock upon entering college.

Literature Review #3



Wohn, Donghee Yvette, Nicole B. Ellison, M. Laeeq Khan, Ryan Fewins-Bliss, and Rebecca Gray. "The role of social media in shaping first-generation high school students’ college aspirations: A social capital lens." Computers and Education 63 (): 424-436. Print.


This article explores the social capital available to students and how it may be able to influence the pre-collegiate experience for many adolescents - both first generation college students and non first generation college students.


Dr. Donghee Yvette Wohn - a postdoctoral research fellow at Northwestern University’s Social Media Lab. She researches the antecedents and social and psychological consequences of  usage of socio-technical systems, such as social media and online multiplayer games.

Nicole B. Ellison - an associate professor in the School of Information at the University of Michigan.

M. Laeeq Khan - a doctoral candidate in the Media & Information Studies (MIS) program in the School of Journalism at Michigan State University.

Ryan Fewins-Bliss - attended Michigan State University, Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media.

Rebecca Gray - a doctoral candidate in the Department of Media and Information (formerly known as Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media) at Michigan State University. 

Key Terms

Social Capital - the extent to which individuals are able to access and mobilize resources in their social network. These resources can be tangible resources, such as financial aid or information, or more psychological in nature, such as emotional support.

Social Support - an individual’s perception of general support or specific supportive behaviors (available or acted upon) from people in their social network, which enhances their functioning or may buffer them from adverse outcomes.


"Past research has found that first-generation students do not receive the same levels or kinds of support from their parents around college access processes in comparison with non first-generation students (Hertel, 2002; Stephens, Fryberg, Markus, Johnson, & Covarrubias, 2012; York-Anderson & Bowman, 1991). This makes intuitive sense, as parents who had not experienced a particular task would be less able to help others achieve it."(424)

"...parental involvement is not only about the dyadic relation between student and parent, but also includes the parents’ interactions with teachers or other parents (Dika & Singh, 2002; Israel, Beaulieu, & Hartless, 2001; McNeal, 1999; Perna & Titus, 2005). When parents have high levels of involvement with teachers and other parents, they are likely to be better informed about their children’s schooling experience, future ambitions, course selections, and hobbies, which gives them more opportunities to assist their children and provide financial and social support."(426) 

"The influence of close friends is markedly stronger for students from disadvantaged educational backgrounds."(426)

"Social support can also prove vital for the overall well-being of stu- dents and when coping with college transition issues, because those who have a sense of belonging within the institution and experience overall well-being have a better chance of graduating with a degree (Baum & Payea, 2004; Tinto, 1993)."(427)

"Moreover, parents who did not attend college have little knowledge of the college environment and values of higher education; students who did not learn about this from their parents are more likely to experience a “culture shock” when they attend college (Inman & Mayes, 1999) and can also experience a constant dissonance between their family background and the environment at higher education institutions because they are on the margins of two different cultures (see Thayer, 2000)."(428)


This article provides one of the main areas in which first generation college students and regular college students greatly differ. I can also deduce from this information how these differences are even greater when it comes to first generation college students whose parents are immigrants. By observing these areas, I can also come up with ways to target and eliminate these problem areas for first generation college students.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Research Blog #5: Bibliography with Five Scholarly Sources

Work Cited

Engle, Jennifer, and Vincent Tinto. Moving Beyond Access: College Success for Low-Income, First-Generation Students. St. Paul, Minnesota: 3M, 2008. 1-38. eBook.

Rosanna A. Reyes. Proving Them Wrong. MA/MS Thesis. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 2012. 

Schwartz, Seth;  Weisskirch, Robert S.; Zamboanga, Byron L.; Castillo, Linda G.; Ham, Lindsay S.; Huynh, Que-Lam; Park, Irene J. K.; Donovan, Roxanne; Kim, Su Yeong; Vernon, Michael; Davis, Matthew J.; Cano, Miguel A. "Dimensions of Acculturation: Associations With Health Risk Behaviors Among College Students From Immigrant Families."Journal of Counseling Psychology. 58.1 (2011): 27-41. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. 

Wohn, Donghee Yvette, Nicole B. Ellison, M. Laeeq Khan, Ryan Fewins-Bliss, and Rebecca Gray. "The role of social media in shaping first-generation high school students’ college aspirations: A social capital lens." Computers and Education 63 (): 424-436. Print.

Woosley, Sherry, and Dustin Shepler. "UNDERSTANDING THE EARLY INTEGRATION EXPERIENCES OF FIRST-GENERATION COLLEGE STUDENTS." College Student Journal 45 (): 700-714. Print.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Literature Review #2



Engle, Jennifer, and Vincent Tinto. Moving Beyond Access: College Success for Low-Income, First-Generation Students. St. Paul, Minnesota: 3M, 2008. 1-38. eBook.


This book provides statistics on many first generation college students - from the number who enroll, to the number who stay after the first year as well as how long they stay, and even the average aid they can expect to receive. It also looks at some of the issues that cause these numbers.


Jennifer Engle - vice president for policy research at the Institute for Higher Education Policy and focuses on underserved student populations. Also was a senior research analyst.

Vincent Tinto - senior scholar at the Pell Institute and a professor at Syracuse University for sociology. He is also a theorist for the retention for students and learning communities.

Key Terms

Attritionthe action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure.


"For most of the 4.5 million low-income, first generation students enrolled in post-secondary education today, the path to the bachelor's degree will be long, indirect, and uncertain. Fr many, the journey will end where it begins."(2)

"Low-income, first-generation students not only face barriers to their academic and social integration, they also confront obstacles with respect to cultural adaptation."(21)


This book provides me with abundance of raw numbers and statistics that quantify specific aspects of the college experience for most first generation students, such as percentage that stick with their majors or how long they typically stay in college for.  It also gives insight into some of the problems which cause the statistics to look the way they do. Using both the numbers and causes of the problems, I can perhaps come up with unique solutions in my research that work for first generation students who are the children of immigrants.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Research Blog #4: Research Proposal

Nathaniel Ladouceur
Professor Goeller
Research in Disciplines: College!
March 20, 2014
Research Proposal
Going to college is something that is advocated by most parents, teachers, and friends. Although the rewards can be great, there are many challenges students face today when it comes to the whole college experience. Coming from a household with immigrant parents, from personal experience, I have experienced as well as witnessed the advantages and disadvantages that children of immigrants face when it comes to obtaining higher education – disadvantages unique to this group of students. While finances are the most obvious form of adversity when it comes to furthering their education, there are also many other factors to take into account when examining what these students face when it comes to college. Cultural conflicts with their original heritage and the American culture, lack of proper guidance from parents, and struggling to find themselves are a few of these problems that are unique when it comes to this group of students. What I want to explore in my paper are the challenges that the children of immigrants face when it comes to preparing to go to college, the challenges while they are in college, and their post college experiences in the three major problem areas I highlighted.

Research Question
Although all students face challenges when it comes to attaining a college degree, the challenges of the children of immigrants are usually more complicated and numerous. How does the pre-college experience, college experience, and post-college experience of students who were born into an immigrant family compare to the experience of students who were born into U.S. native families and what are the challenges that influence this experience?

Theoretical Frame
The study in the article Dimensions of Acculturation: Associations With Health Risk Behaviors Among College Students From Immigrant Families written by a large number of college professors investigates how acculturation affects the activities the children of immigrants involve themselves in all in attempt to embrace the American culture. The study outlines things such as alcohol use, sexual activities, and drug use as the harmful behaviors that these students potentially partake in.
These behaviors all directly affect just how pleasant and successful the college careers of the students can turn out to be. I plan to draw connections between these behaviors, as well as their financial situation, and how they can influence the experience of many students who come from immigrant households.

Research Plan, Case, or Additional Questions
I plan to draw statistics on first generation students who are from immigrant households as far as acceptance and retention rates, average debt levels, and average family incomes to illustrate the problems they face on a day-to-day basis. I will study how the issue of acculturation gives birth to some of these problems and how the problems they face compare to the problems students from American families face in their college experience. I then want to examine cases of children of immigrants in terms of how they obtain the money to go to college and how their financial situation turns out to be after they graduate.

Literature Review #1



Schwartz, Seth;  Weisskirch, Robert S.; Zamboanga, Byron L.; Castillo, Linda G.; Ham, Lindsay S.; Huynh, Que-Lam; Park, Irene J. K.; Donovan, Roxanne; Kim, Su Yeong; Vernon, Michael; Davis, Matthew J.; Cano, Miguel A. "Dimensions of Acculturation: Associations With Health Risk Behaviors Among College Students From Immigrant Families."Journal of Counseling Psychology. 58.1 (2011): 27-41. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.


This article is a study that focuses on acculturation in three areas; cognitive, behavioral, and identification. Observations are made on how race and heritage, along with these three areas in the acculturation, relate to the levels of health-risk behavior taken by people of these groups.


Seth J. Schwartz, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health

Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami

Robert S. Weisskirch, Department of Human Development, California State University–Monterey Bay

Byron L. Zamboanga, Department of Psychology, Smith College

Linda G. Castillo, Matthew J. Davis, and Miguel A. Cano, Department of Counseling Psychology, Texas A&M University

Lindsay S. Ham, Department of Psychology, University of Arkansas

Que-Lam Huynh, Department of Psychology, San Diego State University

Irene J. K. Park, Department of Psychology, University of Notre Dame

Roxanne Donovan, Department of Psychology, Kennesaw State University

Su Yeong Kim, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, University of Texas at Austin

Michael Vernon, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts–Amherst.

Key Terms

Acculturation - an individual’s process of learning about and adopting the receiving society’s cultural norms as well as the degree to which the person maintains his or her heritage culture

Immigrant Paradox - more acculturated young immigrants and children of immigrants are more likely to take risks compared with their less acculturated counterparts.


"The immigrant paradox (in which more acculturated young immigrants and children of immigrants are more likely to take risks compared with their less acculturated counterparts) can be explained in terms of losing the protective effects that accompany heritage practices and values."(11)

"...for the most part, adopting U.S. cultural practices and individualistic values is not problematic as long as practices and values from the heritage culture are retained."(11)


This article studies an area where many children of immigrants are heavily affected - especially when going away to college. It indirectly shows that the forces of heritage culture and acculturation to american culture can prove to be detrimental to the success of many of these second-generation students in the college setting if not balanced. Balancing the two can prove to be difficult when not surrounded by all the people who are of the same heritage as themselves and no family to keep them grounded. The article also provides numbers on the percentage of these students that are engaging in these risky behaviors and reasons as to why they do what they do.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Research Blog Post #3 : Privatization

Privatization of resources in higher education connects to my topic in a negative way - it makes attaining the "american dream" harder for children of immigrants. Hamilton and Armstrong point this out when speaking of the ideal conditions for college to be an opportunity for class mobility for under privileged students. They write at one point "Less privileged students benefit when tuition costs are low, financial aid is adequate, and it takes the form of grants rather than loans..."(Armstrong and Hamilton 17). Privatization makes loans more readily available while other forms of aid dwindle and even then, many loans require good credit - something underprivileged immigrants most likely wouldn't have. As for the students who are able to obtain these funds, it puts a heavy strain on their college career and in most cases their post college experience as well.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Research Blog #2: Scouting the Territory

Where do I stand on my topic idea?

My topic idea has not really changed since Blog #1. After reading Paying for the Party and Walden on Wheels, I became extremely interested in seeing if we are the only country dealing with the sort of problems students faced in these stories in terms of the effect social class and debt has on the overall experience. I may, however, choose to somehow incorporate the college experience form the point of view of a minority or first-generation student - something I feel was underrepresented in the readings.

What I found online

I mostly found statistics on graduation and college acceptance rates for first generation college students. However, I was looking for a more specific type of student - students who are born in America but have immigrant parents. It helped to use search terms such as "acculturation" and "immigrant students".

Important Articles

"Dimensions of Acculturation: Associations With Health Risk Behaviors Among College Students From Immigrant Families" 

"Gender, Ethnicity, and Acculturation in Intergenerational Conflict of Asian American College Students"

Ideas from the search

Acculturation seems to be a big theme in many articles that relate to my topic. I may dedicate a portion of my paper to this issue.

Resources uncovered

This article is almost perfect as a resource for my topic. It provides statistics and situations directly from first generation immigrant college students.

This article also provides more in terms of research and statistics.


I have not yet found any controversies involving my topic.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Research Blog Post #1: Topic Idea

How does class and social status play a role in higher education in other countries whether it be their experience while in college or how they go about funding it? How does this compare to the influence of class and social status on many college students here in the U.S.?